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The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)

Logo of the project sponsor and associated partner German Federal Environment Foundation.

The project is supported professionally and financially by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).



The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)

An der Bornau 2
D-49090 Osnabrück

Phone: +49 (0) 541 9633 0

„We promote innovative, exemplary projects to protect the environment. We are guided by ecological, economic, social and cultural aspects in terms of sustainable development. The medium-sized economy is a particularly important target group for us.“


„The DBU funds innovative, exemplary and solution-oriented projects for the protection of the environment, with special consideration of small and medium-sized enterprises. The funding activities focus on environmental technology and research, nature conservation, environmental communication and protection of cultural assets. Since 1991, the DBU has funded more than 10,000 projects with € 1.84 billion. At the same time, the foundation capital (€ 1.28 billion at the beginning) was increased to around € 2.32 billion. Funded projects should achieve sustainable effects in practice, give impulses and lead to a “multiplier effect”. It is the objective of the DBU to contribute to the solution of current environmental problems, in particular, which result from unsustainable business practices and lifestyles. The DBU sees the crucial challenges primarily in the areas of climate change, biodiversity loss, unsustainable use of natural resources, and harmful emissions. The funding topics are linked both to current scientific findings on the Planetary Boundaries and to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.“ (Source: DBU 2021)

The German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU)

Kuapa Kokoo Limited

Logo of the associated partner Kuapa Kokoo Limited

"Kuapa Kokoo seeks to develop itself into a formidable farmer-based organisation capable of mobilising quality cocoa products, improving the livelihood of members and satisfying customers.”


Kuapa Kokoo Limited

P. O. Box AN23044
Ashtown, Kumasi, Ghana

Phone: +233 (0) 3220 36051




„Unsere Vision ist es, eine führende, fürsorgliche, effiziente und weltweit anerkannteste Genossenschaft in der Kakaoproduktion und -vermarktung in Ghana zu werden.“


„Kuapa Kokoo was formed in 1993 after the structural adjustment programme (SAPs) of Ghana led to the partial liberalization of the internal trading of cocoa. Led by Nana Frimpong Abebrese and with support from NGOs like TWIN, SNV, Christian Aid; Kuapa Kokoo Limited was established to participate in the internal trading of cocoa. Kuapa Kokoo Cooperative Cocoa Farmers and Marketing Union Limited (KKFU) formerly known as Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Union is Ghana’s pioneer and the leading producer of ethical cocoa beans. KKFU is a cocoa farmers’ co-operative organization registered under the Co-operative Societies decree of 1968 (NLCD 252) and Co-operative Societies Regulations, 1968 (L.I. 604) as a co-operative Union in Ghana. The Union has over 100,000 registered members who are primarily smallholder cocoa farmers organized into about 1,300 communities in 57 primary Societies (District) in six cocoa growing regions. Established in 1993 with 2000 farmers in response to the partial liberalization of the cocoa sector in Ghana. Kuapa Kokoo literally means ‘good cocoa farming’ in Twi. It is the only farmer-owned cocoa organisation among 24 privately owned buying companies that has been granted government licenses to participate in the internal trading of cocoa. In this marketing role, the Union mobilises cocoa from members and which is then purchased by its trading wing Kuapa Kokoo Limited (KKL). The vision of the members was to have a direct role in the purchasing and the marketing of their produce. KKFU gained Fairtrade certification in 1995, to supply ethically produced cocoa beans to the certified market. This made Kuapa Kokoo the first Fairtrade-Certified smallholder farmers’ organization in West Africa. Additionally, the organisation has gained both UTZ and Rainforest Alliance certification status enabling it to sell certified cocoa beans under these two schemes.“ (Source: Kuapa Kokoo 2021)

Kuapa Kokoo Limited

Weinrich Chocolate

Logo of the associated partner Ludwig Weinrich GmbH & Co. KG

The finest chocolate since 1895.



Ludwig Weinrich GmbH & Co. KG

Diebrocker Straße 17
32051 Herford

Tel.: +49 (0) 52 21 9100

"Der lateinische Name des Kakaobaums ist Theobroma cacao L., übersetzt: die Speise der Götter."


„Tradition since 1895 Since 1895 the business philosophy at the Weinrich Chocolate Factory has been based on three cornerstones: tradition, aspiration and responsibility. It has been our constant aim to bring tried-and-tested, first-class recipes into harmony with the challenges of the present day – always with a view to our responsibility to people and the natural environment. In this way we are able to experience an exciting blend of tradition and trends in our world of chocolate – every day, every year and certainly for a few centuries to come.
The responsibility towards humanity and nature is an important benchmark of our daily work. Therefore, we do our utmost to respect all those involved in the value chain and to protect the environment.“
(Weinrich: Weinrich 2021)

Weinrich Chocolate