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Hannes Campe

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Portrait of Hannes Campe

Hannes Campe, M.Sc.

Osnabrück University
Professorship of Environmental Economics
Barbarastraße 12
D-49074 Osnabrück
Room: 92/111

Phone: +49 (0) 541 969 2842

Master of Economics
Professorship of Environmental Economics
PhD student in work package 3

Hannes Campe is a research assistant at the Institute of Economics, Professorship of Environmental Economics, at Osnabrück University. As part of this project, he is doing his doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stefanie Engel. His research examines which information content and types of information provision of the production of cocoa products can influence preference structures and consumption behavior of consumers. Methodologically, economic experiments will be used.


Hannes Campe, M.Sc.

Professorship of Environmental Economics