English Version

Prof. Dr. Britta Höllermann
Institut für Geographie
Universität Osnabrück
Seminarstraße 19 a/b
49074 Osnabrück
Raum: 02/203
Tel.: +49 541-969-6429
Di 13 - 14 Uhr
nach vorheriger Anmeldung in StudIP:
Britta Höllermann
Professor of Geographic Human-Environment-Research
Head of the Junior Professorship Geographic Human-Environment-Research
Research Topics: Global change and the water cycle, Socio-Hydrological Interactions and Dynamics, Perception and Handling of uncertainties in Water Resource Management, Floods, Water in Agriculture.
Regional Focus: Germany and Sub-Saharan Africa
My research interests focus on human-environment interactions and dynamics with a particular emphasis on the human-water complex. In doing so, I consider, on the one hand, the dynamics of the human-water system under the influence of climate and land use change and, on the other hand, taking into account the perception of and dealing with uncertainties of the acting actors. In this context, it is important to deepen the understanding of the plurality and heterogeneity of the actors, also with regard to sustainable strategies and objectives, by identifying (sometimes competing) visions and scenarios. I work out the complex human-water dynamics in various case studies, such as the handling of water resources and the perception of hydro-climatic risks in agriculture, the balancing of water supply and use in the context of water resource management, the handling of uncertainties in the management of dams as well as risks and risk perception of floods. Spatial focal points are currently Germany and sub-Saharan Africa.
After successfully completing my studies in geography at the University of Bonn (Diplom) and the University of Wellington, New Zealand (Bachelor of Science with Honours), I completed my PhD in 2018 at the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn on the topic of "Decision-making under uncertainty in model-based water management: The science-practice interface". Until September 2021, I was then involved as a postdoctoral researcher in the Working Group - Ecohydrology and Water Resources Management in various projects, including SFB 228 Future Rural Africa, BMBF PARADeS. In the winter semester 2021/2022 I represented the professorship for Applied Physical Geography and Environmental Modelling of Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Since April 2022, I have been a junior professor for Geographic Human-Environment Research at the University of Osnabrück. As a trans- and interdisciplinary perspective is particularly important to me, I am involved in the Panta Rhei Transdisciplinarity Working Group of the EGU, among others, and chair sessions at international conferences for this purpose.