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Portrait of Prof. Dr. Andrea Lenschow

Prof. Dr.
Andrea Lenschow

Osnabrück University
Cultural Studies and
Social Sciences
Seminarstraße 33
D-49074 Osnabrück
Room: 04/105

Phone: +49 (0) 541 969 4632

Andrea Lenschow

Director of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in European Studies
Mainly responsible for work package 1

Andrea Lenschow is professor of political science at the Osnabrück University.
She received her PhD from New York University and then worked in Rotterdam, Florence and Salzburg before moving to the UOS faculty in 2003. She deals with environmental policy and governance issues in the EU and with regard to global raw material flows.
In this project, she will map both public and private governance approaches at local, national, trans and international level and analyze the political challenges and potentials for improved ecological sustainability.
As part of the project, she supervises Miles Yannik Ahlemann's doctorate.


Prof. Dr. Andrea Lenschow

Institute of Social Science