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Miles Yannik Ahlemann

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Portrait of Miles Yannik Ahlemann

Miles Yannik Ahlemann, M. A.

Osnabrück University
Cultural Studies and
Social Sciences
Seminarstraße 19 a/b
D-49074 Osnabrück
Room: 02/302

Phone: +49 (0) 541 969 4828

Master of Political Science
Institute of Social Sciences
PhD student in work package 1

Yannik Ahlemann is a research associate at the Institute of Social Sciences at the Osnabrück University. As part of this project, he is doing his doctorate under the supervision of Andrea Lenschow.
Born in Heidelberg in 1987, he completed his bachelor's degree in 2014 and his master's degree in political science at the University of Vienna in 2019. His earlier research focused in particular on international political economy and trade relations, and on the EU's post-colonial trade relations in tropical agricultural commodities with Ghana and Ivory Coast.


Miles Yannik Ahlemann, M.A.

Institute of Social Science